Friday, April 1, 2011

A Nightmare

We were in Israel, or someplace like that.
Walking and talking.
I was wearng that black dress you bought me for my Birthday.
People started running.
We followed and looked up into the sky to see what they were seeing.
It was a hang glider.
And then something was dropped.
It was a bomb.
People started screaming.
We heard the explosion, and watched as the dark cloud came towards us.
I pulled you into a small door that I had noticed was open.
We kissed.  We said I love you over and over.
We made sure we held tightly and were in each others arms when it ended.

I woke up crying.

This is what it's like to love you.
Scarier than Hell that it will end.
But making sure, that every second of every day,
we know how much we love each other.