It could have gone unnoticed, had she not signed it with the same signature she uses in her Fetlife postings.
The wife she refers to, wouldn't have noticed it either, had it not been for other submissives who go to the same website. Friends of the wife, and actually, a couple of people who have contacted her since, noticed the post and asked if she had seen it.
Obviously, now she has...
So there are 3 sides to every story. In this case, the submissive/girlfriend, the (insecure)wife, and the Truth.
Perception is part of the truth, we all must keep that in mind when going on the attack.
Here is the submissives public post (italicized will be the Insecure wife comments).
When I first met my Dom, his wife was very supportive of our relationship, enjoyed watching it grow and blossom.
(very true. His wife wanted him to have this experience. She wanted him to have the connection and feeling of having a submissive in his life. She hoped this would be an attribute to the marriage they already shared.)
She has been in the lifestyle longer than any of us and was very willing to offer advice to help me deal with my husbands new long distance polyamorous relationship with his girlfirend. She encouraged me to let him go see her in her home state, to let him love her and her love him etc.
(again, very true. The couple had already entered into their poly relationship and were asking for advice and wanted to know what rules and boundaries others had set who seemed happy, respectful, and committed to each other.)
But now that her husband ( my dom) has said he Loves me, her whole attitude has changed.
(Important to note, the wife was having conversations with the husband regarding broken agreements and rules long before the "I love you" words were spoken. Additionally, it was not the "I love you" that was a problem, it was the fact that he had agreed to discuss with his wife any deeper feelings before announcing them to the submissive.)
She isnt able to deal with it.
(Another incorrect statement. The wife is not concerned, nor affected by her husband loving another).
She has gone from being a “friend”, to being very cold , rude and down right mean to me at times.
(No "friendship" had yet been established between the wife and the submissive. Ironically, the wife had kept a safe distance from the submissive regarding "friendship" just so that the boundaries stayed clear. The wife also made sure the submissive knew the boundaries of their relationship from the beginning, in very clear words, in very clear conversations. The cold, yes, as time progressed and the wife was presented into situations where she felt no longer connected to her husband, the submissive did not get the same warm welcome. Rude or Mean? The wife would certainly like clear instances of when those treatments would have taken place.)
She has put on a “happy face” for his sake at times and in the beginning she at least pretended to welcome me into their home.
(In the beginning, the wife was very welcoming to the submissive. Purchasing special towels and personal items for the submissive to use while preparing herself in their home so that she would not feel like just any other "guest". At a specific point in time, the husband had told the wife that he could not make his relationship with his submissive work unless the wife acted more warmly towards the submissive. So yes, the “happy face” was for him, something he requested. At any point the submissive felt welcomed into the couples home, she truly was welcome, at that point in time. When she was no longer welcomed by the wife, there was no pretending that she was.)
(She has put very strict time limits on how long we can see each other, she has gone from rarely doing anything with him ( his words) to now not wanting to be apart from him.
(The wife asked her husband to be home by 2am instead of 3am or 4am on weeknights because she would like to have him in her bed for at least some closeness prior to him getting up at 5am and leaving for work. It is important to know that the wife would not have seen her husband since 5am that morning, so almost an entire 24 hours would have gone by before she saw him again, only to have him get up and leave for work within a couple of hours. The Dom and his submissive are allowed to stay out till 4am on weekends. At the time the submissives post was made, the husband had NO time limitations as the wife had decided she would let him go and hope he would make the right decisions for their marriage.)
(...additionally spending more time together was something the husband and wife had been trying to do prior to the submissive entering into their lives. The husband had requested the wife "want" to spend more time with him and he in return, was showing her he “wanted” to spend time with her as well, which was different than in the past. The husband has asked if it was relayed that he was enjoying and really liked his wife wanting to spend so much time with him now. Interestingly enough, the submissive did not post that piece of information here.)
She is a very Strong personality ( she is a top) and the first woman I have ever been intimidated by.
(The wife has always been very straight forward and clear to the submissive from the very beginning about her place in the heirarchy of the relationship.)
I have told her I have no intentions of coming between the two of them and she made it very clear that I do not have that power, so why is she so insecure?
(The wife is not insecure about the submissive. The wife is sad and heartbroken that her husband has shown such little respect, remorse, or thought in how his actions have affected his wife, her feelings, or her trust, as it was perceived that he did not care.)
(The wife has told the submissive multiple times to stay out of what is going on in the marriage as it is between the wife and the husband to work out their communication problems. The submissive has continuously used her knowledge of the problems between the husband and wife to put herself in a position of confidant and now knows "the right things to say" to manipulate her own agenda no matter what the effect on the Dom or his relationship with his wife, something that is not acceptable in the swinging or poly world).
my dom has asked me to let him worry about her and I just take care of my relationship with him.
(a very good idea in a perfect world. Still, is it ok to ignore what you know is happening just for your own happiness?)
I am trying to do that, but I feel like he is caught in the middle of two women that he loves and I dont like it.
(If the submissive was truly worried about how "in the middle he was", she would respectfully take a stand and step back to let the husband work out his marriage with his wife. Instead, she continually requests more time and more dates, more texts, more phone calls. The husband in return, gives her what she wants (not saying he doesn’t want that too and does request more contact), and/or "needs", which leaves his wife wanting and needing the same, but not getting her needs met.)
I try really hard to not say anything to him about her in a negative way.
(the submissive may not outright say negative things about the wife, but the words she uses places the wife in a negative light that is already a problem area for the couple. The husband, does not stand up for the wife in these instances. Instead, he allows the submissive to state how she feels and allows the wife to be perceived as “the problem” and therefore "making it hard for them".)
Now starting on the 18th I will be seeing them in a vanilla setting twice a week. the last time we were in that situation she wouldnt even speak to me or look at me if she did say something when I asked her a question
(could it be, that the wife, may have been attempting to not be a bitch to the submissive at a time when things were very bad between the wife and the husband? Could it be possible, that the submissive was asking questions of the wife that she would not like the answer to? And how did the submissive responde? By making sure the husband knew that she had cried all the way home. Which made the tension between husband and wife even more strained)
this time there is a chance we could end up being partners at this vanilla event..I am concerned about how she is going to be. I understand her insecurities with her husband loving me,
(The submissive has no idea what the wifes “insecurities” are as the wife has never told her of the way she perceives she is being treated by the husband. The wife has not told the submissive that she does not get sex on a basis of him wanting or desiring her, because his time spent with the submissive wipes him out and he wants to sleep all the next day. The wife has not told the submissive of how the husband jumps to the submissives defense everytime they try to talk about the situation and the wife feels like the outsider. The submissive knows nothing about what truly is taking place in the marriage of the husband and wife and therefore, cannot possibly know what the wife is feeling.) I too was facing those same feelings with my husbands love for his girlfriend,
(the submissive is NOT having the same feelings as the wife in this situation as it is not about the husband loving the submissive. It is about broken agreements, poor communication, and trust issues). but I don’t feel that justifies her behavior, I would never treat a person the way she has treated me or do the things she has done to irritate me ( I cant prove they were done on purpose but sure seems that way) She wants no contact from me or with me at this time, she has deleted me as a friend on another lifestyle community, she has asked that I not sendher any more ” have a good day” text messages ( which by the way she used to send me too)
(the wife sent the submissive the “have a good day” messages in response the husband wanting the wife to “be nice” to the submissive so that his relationship would work out.)
, she is no longer at the house when I get there ( which is fine she barely acknowledged me being there).
(The wife and husband agreed that since the submissive felt uncomfortable with the wife there, and the wife was not comfortable with the submissive in her home, that it would be better if the wife was not in the apartment when the submissive was there getting ready for a date with the husband. Additionally, it is the wifes perception, that one time she was there (with a headache) and stayed in the bedroom, that the submissive sounded disappointed that the wife was in her home at that time as that meant the submissive and the husband could not play there.)
She changed her status from “open relationship to ” married” a lot of little things
(the wifes status was always “married” as well as “in an open relationship”. The wife dropped “in an open relationship” status when she realized she was no longer in an open relationship. The wife believed that an open relationship included open communication, respect, and trust in each other and that is clearly what was not taking place) The submissives hurt feeling over the wife changing her own status caused even more conflict between the husband and wife.)
To me it feels like she is trying to make me disappear and not have to deal with her feelings, according to my Dom, she is still talking to him about the relationship, and her shutting me out is her way of dealing with it.
(“dealing” with the relationship, such a simple explanation for an even larger problem. Yes, the wife feels that she would like to have the submissive removed from her marriage. The submissive has added nothing positive to the marriage. The wife continues to talk to the husband in an attempt to open communication again and keep the marriage in tact.)
My Dom says he has no intentions of changing anything with me, he loves me and wants me in his life, but she is his wife, she will always come first. But in her words,, he doesnt love easily so if he says he loves you,, he loves you ( I am only the third person EVER he has loved and he met his wife at 14), so I am trusting him with my heart. Not an easy thing for me to do in a normal situation even more dificult now with his wife acting this way.
(the wife does understand opening the heart to another. But the wife also understands and has experience in other relationships to know what is right and what is wrong and what responsibility the secondary plays in those relationships. The submissive nor the husband have been acting appropriately in this “D/s” relationship. The relationship and the actions of both Dominant and submissive are far more boyfriend/girlfriend with a D/s flavor. At the time of this post, neither has a mentor of any kind (the submissive recently requested a mentor), the Dominant does not.)
I think I am venting more than anything here, I have no other outlet as I cant post anything on the other lifestyle community as she will see it or her friends would and it would get back to her some how..
(the wifes friends are also submissives, and post to the same site. The submissive signed her post with the same signage she uses for the “lifestyle community (Fetlife), and so it was obvious who wrote it).
I dont want to upset her and makes things worse for him.
(This is an offensive statement. The husband is not being abused by the wife wanting her needs met.)
I am just going to keep being myself, I am who I am, I mean her or their relationship no harm. I just want to be his sub, to love him and to be his friend.
(The wife is not insecure about the submissive. The wife is sad and heartbroken that her husband has shown such little respect, remorse, or thought in how his actions have affected his wife, her feelings, or her trust, as it was perceived that he did not care.)
(The wife has told the submissive multiple times to stay out of what is going on in the marriage as it is between the wife and the husband to work out their communication problems. The submissive has continuously used her knowledge of the problems between the husband and wife to put herself in a position of confidant and now knows "the right things to say" to manipulate her own agenda no matter what the effect on the Dom or his relationship with his wife, something that is not acceptable in the swinging or poly world).
my dom has asked me to let him worry about her and I just take care of my relationship with him.
(a very good idea in a perfect world. Still, is it ok to ignore what you know is happening just for your own happiness?)
I am trying to do that, but I feel like he is caught in the middle of two women that he loves and I dont like it.
(If the submissive was truly worried about how "in the middle he was", she would respectfully take a stand and step back to let the husband work out his marriage with his wife. Instead, she continually requests more time and more dates, more texts, more phone calls. The husband in return, gives her what she wants (not saying he doesn’t want that too and does request more contact), and/or "needs", which leaves his wife wanting and needing the same, but not getting her needs met.)
I try really hard to not say anything to him about her in a negative way.
(the submissive may not outright say negative things about the wife, but the words she uses places the wife in a negative light that is already a problem area for the couple. The husband, does not stand up for the wife in these instances. Instead, he allows the submissive to state how she feels and allows the wife to be perceived as “the problem” and therefore "making it hard for them".)
Now starting on the 18th I will be seeing them in a vanilla setting twice a week. the last time we were in that situation she wouldnt even speak to me or look at me if she did say something when I asked her a question
(could it be, that the wife, may have been attempting to not be a bitch to the submissive at a time when things were very bad between the wife and the husband? Could it be possible, that the submissive was asking questions of the wife that she would not like the answer to? And how did the submissive responde? By making sure the husband knew that she had cried all the way home. Which made the tension between husband and wife even more strained)
this time there is a chance we could end up being partners at this vanilla event..I am concerned about how she is going to be. I understand her insecurities with her husband loving me,
(The submissive has no idea what the wifes “insecurities” are as the wife has never told her of the way she perceives she is being treated by the husband. The wife has not told the submissive that she does not get sex on a basis of him wanting or desiring her, because his time spent with the submissive wipes him out and he wants to sleep all the next day. The wife has not told the submissive of how the husband jumps to the submissives defense everytime they try to talk about the situation and the wife feels like the outsider. The submissive knows nothing about what truly is taking place in the marriage of the husband and wife and therefore, cannot possibly know what the wife is feeling.) I too was facing those same feelings with my husbands love for his girlfriend,
(the submissive is NOT having the same feelings as the wife in this situation as it is not about the husband loving the submissive. It is about broken agreements, poor communication, and trust issues). but I don’t feel that justifies her behavior, I would never treat a person the way she has treated me or do the things she has done to irritate me ( I cant prove they were done on purpose but sure seems that way) She wants no contact from me or with me at this time, she has deleted me as a friend on another lifestyle community, she has asked that I not sendher any more ” have a good day” text messages ( which by the way she used to send me too)
(the wife sent the submissive the “have a good day” messages in response the husband wanting the wife to “be nice” to the submissive so that his relationship would work out.)
, she is no longer at the house when I get there ( which is fine she barely acknowledged me being there).
(The wife and husband agreed that since the submissive felt uncomfortable with the wife there, and the wife was not comfortable with the submissive in her home, that it would be better if the wife was not in the apartment when the submissive was there getting ready for a date with the husband. Additionally, it is the wifes perception, that one time she was there (with a headache) and stayed in the bedroom, that the submissive sounded disappointed that the wife was in her home at that time as that meant the submissive and the husband could not play there.)
She changed her status from “open relationship to ” married” a lot of little things
(the wifes status was always “married” as well as “in an open relationship”. The wife dropped “in an open relationship” status when she realized she was no longer in an open relationship. The wife believed that an open relationship included open communication, respect, and trust in each other and that is clearly what was not taking place) The submissives hurt feeling over the wife changing her own status caused even more conflict between the husband and wife.)
To me it feels like she is trying to make me disappear and not have to deal with her feelings, according to my Dom, she is still talking to him about the relationship, and her shutting me out is her way of dealing with it.
(“dealing” with the relationship, such a simple explanation for an even larger problem. Yes, the wife feels that she would like to have the submissive removed from her marriage. The submissive has added nothing positive to the marriage. The wife continues to talk to the husband in an attempt to open communication again and keep the marriage in tact.)
My Dom says he has no intentions of changing anything with me, he loves me and wants me in his life, but she is his wife, she will always come first. But in her words,, he doesnt love easily so if he says he loves you,, he loves you ( I am only the third person EVER he has loved and he met his wife at 14), so I am trusting him with my heart. Not an easy thing for me to do in a normal situation even more dificult now with his wife acting this way.
(the wife does understand opening the heart to another. But the wife also understands and has experience in other relationships to know what is right and what is wrong and what responsibility the secondary plays in those relationships. The submissive nor the husband have been acting appropriately in this “D/s” relationship. The relationship and the actions of both Dominant and submissive are far more boyfriend/girlfriend with a D/s flavor. At the time of this post, neither has a mentor of any kind (the submissive recently requested a mentor), the Dominant does not.)
I think I am venting more than anything here, I have no other outlet as I cant post anything on the other lifestyle community as she will see it or her friends would and it would get back to her some how..
(the wifes friends are also submissives, and post to the same site. The submissive signed her post with the same signage she uses for the “lifestyle community (Fetlife), and so it was obvious who wrote it).
I dont want to upset her and makes things worse for him.
(This is an offensive statement. The husband is not being abused by the wife wanting her needs met.)
I am just going to keep being myself, I am who I am, I mean her or their relationship no harm. I just want to be his sub, to love him and to be his friend.
(the wife would have been perfectly happy with the submissive “just being his sub”. The wife would have been perfectly happy that the submissive “love him”. The wife would be perfectly happy that the submissive be “his friend”. )
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