Last night was Date Night.
This is a night we set up to just spend only us time together.
Go to dinner at a special place. Sit close and talk intimately.
We looked deeply into each others eyes, knowing our love is just building stronger.
Does that seem possible?
After dinner, we came home, walked directly into the bedroom, and shut the door.
The rest of night, we touched the naked skin of the other, gasps, moans, the sounds of our bodies joined together and moving in rythmatic waves.
Falling asleep exhausted and sweaty in each others arms.
This was a night we were supposed to plan every month.
It had fallen off the charts.
We lost track of what was important. Truly important.
We went along with our "wants" and lost track of the " need" to make each other the top priority.
Over and above the wants and desires of others.
Our children really, are the only ones who "need" anything from us.
Everyone else, will learn their place.
To sit patiently, silently, and wait until we are done.
Every marriage, every relationship has it's ups and downs.
Ours has been like a roller coaster these past few months.
Yes, I know the exact date and what took place when the roller coaster started moving.
The reasons are for those very different than the fantasies created.
But none of that matters right now.
All I know is that something clicked last week.
Something made him notice what was happening to us.
Whatever it was, he began to take steps to repair the black hole that was created.
We are repairing it together.
Our next Date Night is already scheduled.
The priorities are clear.
The priority is US.
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