Monday, January 3, 2011

Safer Sex Sunday

Oh it felt good to sleep in this morning.  My ass is killing me after going up and down those 2 flights of stairs yesterday.  Moving the club back into it's normal look after the NYE party.  But it's a good ass pain LOL.  I need to keep that up.  I like my ass.  I get compliments on it all the time.  It's large, yes, but nicely shaped, round, and lifted, not saggy (yet).  I try to pay attention to how I walk so that my glutes do their job.  It all pays off when I wear my chaps :)

We went to a class on "safer sex" today.  I was astonished at how much I learned and how enjoyable the person giving us the information was.  She is a trained microbiologist/rocket scientist/smart person.  She was an amazingly intelligent woman who had warmth and caring and humor about things that could be so sterile and boring.  I loved the short time we got to spend with her.

I learned alot of things, but a few really stuck in my mind.  Like how to make a dental dam out of a condom or a glove.  Like how HPV can transmit from one to another and how much more careful I should be.  Like how vanilla flavored condoms taste better than strawberry flavored.

Mostly, I learned how uniformed I really am and I will be striving to learn more now.

So tonight, I leave you with this picture of the free samples we were offered...

And remember, phone sex doesn't require a condom.


P.S. In my defense, I started writing this post when it was still 1/2/11...

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